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Welcome to Apple's #90 most popular podcast in the USA, est. 2015.

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Oct 26, 2015

Patrick Brown owns Different Fur Studios in San Francisco.

We talked about San Francisco, owning a studio, mixing records, the music industry, the Recording Academy, the Millennial generation, and digital distribution.

You can find Patrick on Twitter at @studio_dad.  Different Fur Studios is on Twitter at

Oct 19, 2015

Brian and his sister play in the bands The Tambo Rays and Waters.

We talked about recording, his history in music, family, his families toy company, performing on national prime time cable TV, growing up in Marin, traveling, and the new Tambo Rays EP.

Thanks, Brian.  He is on Twitter at @DiRTyDaMert.  The Tambo Rays are...

Oct 12, 2015

Matt runs Castleface Records and plays in Male Gaze.

We talked about vintage synthesizers, the San Francisco exodus, vinyl manufacturing, and running a record label.

Thanks, Matt, Male Gaze, and Castleface Records.

This show is on Apple iTunesStitcher, and at  Subscribe and write a review on 

Oct 5, 2015

Marco de la Vega is a dj and promoter.  Starting in the early 2000's his mix tapes and dj sets turned into club nights and curated events.

Since then, his involvement in shows, and his own, 120 Minutes have grown to provide artists from all over the world with a place in San Francisco.

Marco's been written up in The...